Hadi Admits Case Was “Political” – No Longers Cares To Fight For His ‘Reputation’ In UK

“It would be a very serious blow to me personally as well as my ability to rid my character of the stain of these allegations if I was not permitted to bring my claim before the English Court”. ……..

One Simple Question For Hadi And PAS

What were the “agreed confidential terms of settlement” refered to in the UK High Court Order, in order to discontinue Hadi’s case, if not that payment of RM1.4 million to Sarawak Report?……

Time To Clear The Air On The PAS Payment To Sarawak Report

Sarawak Report does not believe in misleading people and considers itself released from confidentiality about its settlement with PAS, owing to the party’s own breech of the terms and its attempts to mislead Malaysians by saying our legal bills were not paid as part of the agreement…………

Thug Rule In Sarawak

Once again local people seeking to benefit from their own lands have found themselves ultimately combatted by brute force, mediated by ‘police’ hired by the plantation company in question……

Same Old Story In Sarawak

Sarawak Report can exclusively reveal that the original owner of the company now in the spotlight over the latest Sarawak land protests in Mulu was none other than Taib’s own son, who sold it to one of his Dad’s favourite cronies…….

Questions For PAS And Nik Abduh

PAS leaders’ new moral stance is that it is OK to lie if it suits the party politically to do so. So, what other lies have they been telling, why are they so ready to condemn others for such sins and why has noone yet resigned?…….

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