It’s No Secret Najib Wants To ‘Fix’ Zeti – So What Do The ‘Documents’ Tell Us?

With astonishing lack of self-irony the prime minister who has been convicted of orchestrating the world’s largest recorded theft seems hell bent on accusing the former Governor of the Central Bank of receiving some of the proceeds. So what does the evidence seem to tell us?………

A Safe Bet For Your Money?

Is it any surprise that foreign ratings agencies and bankers are starting to have to warn investors as governance turns to smash and grab?…….

Roger Ng Prepares To Sing?

Roger Ng is supposed to be the fall guy who goes to jail whilst the big boys from Goldman Sachs got the bank to pay a fine and wept hardship over bonus and pension trims, but it seems he is not playing ball……..

Jho Low Spills The Beans From Hiding In Macau!

Attempting to bargain for his freedom Jho Low pointed the finger at the real powers he claims were behind his schemes – Najib and Rosmah PLUS the ‘people’ in Abu Dhabi whom he claims still owe Malaysia over half a billion dollars in cash stolen from 1MDB……

More Back-Peddling Over 1MDB By The PN Government?

Malaysia stands to recover billions from Kuwait in the latest series of investigations over 1MDB. However, it seems PN are no longer interested in cooperating in the enquiry that was set up by the former PH government into this trove of missing money ……

Azmin’s ‘Plan B’ Revealed

Plan B means telling Parliament that it may sit (because the Agong scotched Plan A) but it may not do its job. The majority of MPs must not oppose Moo’s minority government or throw these rebels out – on excuse of Covid and in the name of the King of course……

Treachery Unmasked And Rejected

Sarawak Report has been confidentially informed the majority in the Council of Rulers firmly voted AGAINST the proposal to proclaim a State of Emergency purely to save the political skins of ‘PM8’ and Azmin Ali….

Buttering Up The Royals?

The motives behind the secret re-commissioning of a discarded power plant project appear to be linked to the political high-wire act by the Coup Coalition that is costing Malaysia’s gasping economy further billions……

How The 1MDB Expose Caught Up With Trump’s Top Fund Raiser

Sarawak Report was one of the first recipients of the ‘Global Leaks’ material that revealed the role of Elliot Broidy in lobbying for Najib’s visit to Washington and attempts to get the DOJ to drop its case against 1MDB. His price was nearly $100 million as we revealed, to be paid from Malaysia’s stolen money……

What Bakke Salleh Told The Authorities – SWISS SCOOP EXCLUSIVE!

Sensitive investigation papers have been illegally leaked from Switzerland by PetroSaudi as part of a Black Ops operation that went wrong. They show the ex-1MDB Chairman, Bakke Salleh, testified to Swiss prosecutors that Najib Razak had “supreme” control over 1MDB and personally authorised a series of unethical investment decisions by the fund, causing him and another board member to resign……

Singapore Sledgehammer?

We update a report referred to in a Singapore Court Tuesday. “Will it not do damage to all concerned to smash one person who shared a link on Facebook?…..”

Yet Another Constitutional Crisis On The Horizon?

It is 12 days since the Agong entered hospital on the eve of Anwar announcing he had been granted an official audience to discuss a realignment of MPs, making him the leader of a commanding majority in Parliament. If the Agong remains indisposed on Monday, then under the Constitution he must step aside…….

A Polite Question To Abu Dhabi

The United States Department of Justice has now confirmed that Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Mansour paid off $160 million owed on his massive super-yacht from money stolen from 1MDB. What are he and his brother the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi going to do about that to satisfy Malaysians?…….

Back To Work Or More Contentious Chaos?

Sure as night follows day, come Monday the PN money-politicians will be down to work as instructed, dividing out what lucrative opportunities they can from Sabah’s remaining natural resources ……

Zero Majority And Zero Credibility

The present government has violated the Constitution time and again. The latest blatant example is the continuing presence of the convicted former prime minister in Parliament, when the Constitution clearly forbids any convicted felon from continuing as an MP ……..

A Question Of Utilities In Sarawak

In a state where around half the population still lacks basic utilities, even through the state government licensed the plunder of rich timber and lands in the name of modernisation, the lavish lifestyle of the Minister responsible has been raising eyebrows……

The BN/PN Can Of Worms Is Still Spilling Out In Court

The UMNP warlords have fought tooth and nail to reverse history and restore their fortunes. However, as they must slowly learn, they are swimming against the tide. As the chief witness against ‘FLOM’ today explained they “can’t run forever” from the truth ……..

“I Am Alright Jack” AKA Najib Razak?

Najib’s mask is like “an open air exhaust and “that’s the danger” say experts, who have explained his expensive one-way valve design “is only going to protect the person wearing it”……

Who Secretly Controls What In Abu Dhabi?

Following yesterday’s exclusive expose, we ask has power over the oil rich kingdom covertly slipped from the hands of the ruler into those of only two of his many half-brothers, sons and cousins – including control of his private wealth? If so, why has it not been made official and is everyone supportive of what has been done?…….

Sovereign Stealth Funds? EXCLUSIVE

Stunning evidence before a London court claims the entire private wealth of the “incapacitated” President of the Emirates has been quietly transferred into the control of the two Abu Dhabi Princes linked to Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal……

What Has Happened To The Supreme Court Decision Over IPIC?

If Malaysia has been short-changed by the British legal system and is still impatiently waiting to hear if the IPIC Supreme Court application has succeeded or failed, then it is high time this new AG made a public complaint and demanded justice, rather than simply issuing statements that misrepresent what was written in Sarawak Report……

Crooks Off The Hook – Are They Celebrating Too Soon?

Malaysians have been treated to nauseating sights: Najib smugly walking although guilty from the court; Musa at the Governor’s gate and the Goldman Sachs boss celebrating his peanuts payment to Malaysia with a party at the Hamptons. But, justice may yet prevail………

Money Matters – How $3.9bn = $2.5 bn

So, the US$3.9 billion turns out to be a smoke and mirrors con job. Goldman is actually only paying $2.5 bn and the rest is the same old asset seizure by the DOJ that has already been recycled through the Riza settlement as well! What’s new when we are dealing with UMNO, 1MDB and Goldman Sachs?…….

Tony Pua Calls On China To Investigate 1MDB Corruption Links

The complicity of Goldman Sachs has been called out by the United States’ Department of Justice, but what is the supposedly anti-corruption government of China doing about the blatant role of the vast state bank ICBC in laundering Malaysia’s stolen billions asks DAP’s Tony Pua…..

Who Really Is Sarawak’s Wealthiest MP?

It is not the MPs who have declared their assets who are the richest in Sarawak and indeed Malaysia. It is those who continue to refuse to do so in defiance of the law. All of them belong to the new PN Coup Coalition….

How Shameful Can It Get?

In any self-respecting democratic country the line up of senior MPs on trial for gross corruption charges presently in KL would have resigned their offices to fight their case. Don’t hold your breath in Malaysia. The PN ‘Palace Door’ Government needs the vote of each and every one of them…..

Tarek’s Treasure Trove Tagged In London

Who is left surprised to learn that over US$340 million of 1MDB’s misappropriated cash has apparently been found nestling in the client account of a major US law firm and that there is more sitting in one of the UK’s top banks?…..

Shameless – Najib & Azmin Show Off!

Any pretence of due process and lawful procedure has been thrown out of the window along with every other form of good governance in this super-charged return to the super-corrupt PN/BN Malaysia…..

Regrets? Too Few To Mention – COMMENT

What Najib Razak’s appalling displays of smug triumphalism and arrogance have shown over these past weeks of the Covid Coup is that he has no capacity for contrition … and plans to be back in charge……..

Can Someone ‘Advise’ Najib To Keep His Trap Shut?

Najib Razak is his own walking PR disaster, despite what his paid cheer leaders would have him believe. The Coup Coalition and its dependance on his crimes and lies are laid bare each time he fails to resist spouting out more false claims, self-pity and self-justification……

Temporary Support?

UMNO personality Abdul Rahman Dahlan is reported as saying that UMNO support for PN is “temporary” That could be interpreted in a number of ways. More control by UMNO? More jobs for UMNO MPs? A little political foresight in recognising that the PN government has no majority, no prospects and, apart from certain elevated quarters,

Another Bank Set To Crash Over 1MDB

As the Coup Coalition prepares to turn a blind eye and Najib starts crowing again about being found innocent, the bit players have continued to fall like nine pins thanks to his corruption….

Whilst People Suffer Why Should The Profiteers Sit Pretty In This Pandemic?

Sarawak’s mega-extraction industries are being allowed to continue putting workers at risk in return for profits, despite the Covid 19 movement control orders for everyone else. That hasn’t stopped the same companies laying off workers from their currently non-profit making hotel businesses without pay. What is the Coup Coalition doing about that injustice? Nothing it seems …….

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Once again there are concerns that the pilgrimage fund has been exploited and raided, whilst its plantation arm is exposed as a serial violator of global regulations on sustainable palm oil…….

Is The Coup Coalition Fit For Purpose? COMMENT

It is obvious that the last thing any of the backdoor plotters had on their minds during the weeks and months they schemed for office were the responsibilities they would then have to shoulder when they grabbed power. ‘PM8’ had been virtually inactive as Home Minister and no preparations had been made to tackle the crisis they walked into on Day One……

So Sorry For Sarawak – COMMENT

These are Sarawak Report’s birds-eye observations thanks to some privileged access to information and some distance from events. They are based on partial information and will be virulently disagreed with and attacked in certain quarters by those whose passions are engaged in the matters that are described…….

From Parliamentary Democracy To Failed State?

If the Agong makes the wrong moves over the coming hours and days Malaysia’s standing and reputation in the world and the very peace of the nation could end up threatened by the UMNO/PAS coup attempt that is still underway……

S.D. For Sedition! EXCLUSIVE

There could be no better example of genuine seditious intent than to over throw the decisions of the people in a democracy as the present secret SD being signed by MPs plainly seeks to do …..

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