Is Najib Step-Son Suing Sarawak Report?

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A film company run by Riza Aziz, the son of the prime minister’s wife Rosmah Mansor, has threatened to sue veteran British journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown over the latter’s article on the source of the 37-year-old’s wealth.

New York-based entertainment website reports that lawyers for Red Granite Pictures had sent Brown a five page letter demanding that she retracts the article and compel other media outlets who wrote about her piece to do the same.

The letter had described Brown’s article as “irresponsible, shoddy, malicious screed that was clearly concocted by a writer or writers (and/or editor or editors) intent on pressing a transparent, political agenda.”

From Malaysiakini’s Comments Section:

lim chong leong: Boycott Wolf of Wall Street because it is financed by the thieves of KL streets. Miss Brown, I hope you carry on exposing these fraudulent thieves and defend any lawsuit that they may throw at you. They think they can buy up the judges of all the world like they buy up Malaysian judges but they will soon learn that the truth is mightier.”

Odin Tajue: Oh, nothing to worry about here, Ms Clare Rewcastle Brown. There’s no need to respond to their letter. It was issued merely to make themselves look good. The threat to sue is as empty as the bamboo canon fires no lethal or destructive balls. Cheers, ma’am!

ann: Hooray, wonderful news! Now Riza can tell us where he got his $$$$$ from. Malaysians are eagerly waiting to find out.

CiViC: Riza is making a big mistake to think that British laws are like Malaysia. Well just sue Clare if he has got guts, why bother threaten at all.

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