Mahiaddin’s Lawyer Opines That It Is Fine For An Illegitimate PM To Put His Finger Up to King and Parliament

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‘Constitutional crisis? Much ado about nothing!’

This parliamentary session was a Special Session. It was called by virtue of Standing Order 11(3).

This was a Special Session called upon an adjournment of the last sitting of the House. It was a session that was called by the Prime Minister making representations to the Speaker of the House. The purpose of this special session was to discuss matters of public interest. In this case, it was to discuss the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Government’s response to it.

The business of the Special Sessions is to be determined by the Prime Minister. This is unlike an ordinary sitting of Parliament…..

It is therefore clear that unlike Standing Order 14, Standing Order 11 does not provide for votes on motions or bills etc. The only business that is provided for in Standing Order 11 is that which is determined by the Prime Minister. In this instance, the Prime Minister set the business of the House so as to allow the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to brief Parliament on the Covid-19 National Recovery Plan.
[By Rosli Dahlan, personal lawyer to Mahiaddin Yassin]


Like any purveyor of specious arguments this fellow (whose grandiose showcase prosecutions on 1MDB have been dropping like flies) has started with a false premise.

Everyone in Malaysia knows that this sitting of Parliament was called not because his client Mahiaddin had suggested it (or advised the King) but for the opposite reason.

In the face of utmost resistance from Mahiaddin, who has lost his majority support, the Rulers and the King had ORDERED the reluctant prime minister to call Parliament and to test his majority and the ordinances brought under the state of emergency.

If he cited Section this or that is beside the point. The purpose was to determine the legitimacy of the government and of the State of Emergency it has used to rule without Parliament for the past several months.

Lawyers like Rosli Dahlan are in the market to come up with pompous and very long-winded arguments in court to support whatever position their client desires.

In this case the judges are the elected MPs, the public and the Head of State and they will not find in his favour.

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