Najib Adds Hypocrisy To His Sins

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Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has described the RM100 million graft case in the Youth and Sports Ministry as disappointing and vowed tough action against those responsible.

“I view seriously the misappropriation case involving a senior government officer at the Youth and Sports Ministry which is being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

“This case is disappointing as it happened for a number of years without detection,” he said in a blog posting today.

Najib said those involved would be held to account.

“The government would never compromise on cases where government funds are misappropriated and stern action would be taken against those involved,” he added.

Malaysians have been unsure whether to react more with laughter or anger at the sheer brazen cheek of Najib’s performance yesterday.

Here is a Prime Minister willing to shower indignation on folk, who were stealing a mere RM100 million from taxpayers!

He wants the sternest punishment against small fry, who were only following their masters’ example.

Their lawyers will be preparing their cases now. of course.  After all, look at the stunning precedent of a Prime Minister “cleared” on the grounds he spent the public’s money (on his credit cards), but says he didn’t know how he got it.

This is why leaders ought to resign if caught stealing, as they can no longer credibly uphold the law against others.

But Najib has plainly lost contact with reality within his bubble of BN sycophants. He is like an Emperor without clothes, as the nation watches slack jawed.

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