Sarawakians Not Brave!

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Malaysia has defended the use of North Korean labourers in its mining industry, saying they are particularly good workers because of their dedication, strength and bravery.

After a North Korean was among those killed in a mine explosion at the weekend, Malaysia’s deputy home minister, Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, told reporters that the men had been working legally under a special agreement between Pyongyang and authorities in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

“When it comes to industries such as coal mines, the jobs are very dangerous and tough,” Wan Junaidi said. “No local or Sarawakian will dare to take up such jobs — that is why [we] need foreign workers. In the coal-mining sector, only Britain, China and North Korea have highly-skilled workers.”

So this is how Malaysia’s BN ministers plan to insult the Dayak of Sarawak?

The proud ancestors of the headhunter tribes are good for taking things from, like their land and their coal.

But, it is no point giving them work on these enterprises, because they are ‘too scared’!

Who wouldn’t be scared to work in a gimcrack mine run by secretive companies reported (unsurprisingly) to be linked to Taib’s family and cronies yet again?

No, you would need to be desperate.  And, of course, that is exactly what the poor people of North Korea unfortunately are.

So, the owners of the mine (how come the company has not yet been declared?) can treat them how they like, while denying the local people any benefit from these dirty, stinking mines.


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