Sharia Logic

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Citing the same position his party took in Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy case, Hadi said Islam dictates that these four witnesses are necessary to validate the newspaper’s report last week which claimed that some US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) from state investor 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) had been channelled to Najib’s private accounts.

“Our stand is the stand of Islam. If four witnesses are needed for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s case, then it is the same with the allegations against Najib, there has to be witnesses…fair witnesses.

“We follow the fundamentals of Islam, what is good we support, what is not we oppose,” Hadi was quoted saying in Astro Awani today after performing tarawih prayers at a Ramadan event in Kota Baru.

On Friday, the WSJ reported that 1MDB investigators have discovered five separate deposits from two sources that were allegedly made into Najib’s accounts, citing government documents that it claimed to have viewed.

Sharia law was invented before the advent of modern banking and computer records, which provide rather better proof than 4 witnesses.  Neither is it the law that governs Malaysia.

But, if Mr Hadi must have his way, then he should consider how many banks are witnesses to these events.

There was witness 1 Falcon Bank.

Witness 2 Wells Fargo Bank.

Witness 3 Bank of Malaysia

Witness 4 AmBank

Each of these have numerous officials, who will have handled the identical data that goes into a transaction document.  Is that enough for Hadi – or has some of that US$700 million filtered into buying the unqualified support of the awkward squad of PAS?

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