Diamond Shopping In Hong Kong?

Originally published the day before Najib’s coup against his own government, the significance of this evidence of Jho Low’s direct role in paying for Rosmah’s shopping was somewhat overlooked…

The European Parliamentary Resolution On Malaysia – In Full

Europe has woken up to the corruption and human rights abuses in Malaysia, thanks to the dedication and advocacy of brave campaigners… and also to the astonishing, headline catching abuses of Najib Razak himself over the past weeks. This is a time when Europe is concerned about extremism and violence targeted mainly at their own

Malaysian Democracy Goes Up In Flames

This National Security Act is Najib Razak’s bid for supreme and untrammelled powers of dictatorship over his country. And he is doing it because he can no longer rule by consent, since he has lost the confidence of his people and he is in trouble with the law…

Australian Investigation Further Confirms 1MDB’s Cayman Con-Trick

The company which 1MDB engaged to allegedly buy up its so-called investment in PetroSaudi back in 2012 is now under a separate investigation by the Australian authorities. In the absence of a proper open enquiry in Malaysia itself into the shenanigans surrounding this dodgy deal it has provided some very useful information…

Will Jho Show?

Tonight, November 5th, the latest Jho Low party swings into action in the United States. It is the Jynwel sponsored Black Ball, part of his recent programme of splashing cash into causes espoused by the UN Foundation and other powerful organisations.

Raking In The Profits From Malaysia!

Sarawak Report has obtained further evidence showing exactly how PetroSaudi’s Patrick Mahony benefitted to the tune of tens of millions of dollars within days of helping his collaborator Jho Low siphon US$700 million out of 1MDB. And we can show how three days after that he became the secret buyer of a large and expensive house in one of the swankiest parts of London….

How Najib Plans To Eliminate The Opposition

Najib has openly acknowledged how extremely expensive it was to illegally buy the last election in Malaysia – RM2.6 billion was the amount that went into his personal account in March 2013 for this purpose, he has explained….

SECOND SACKING – Now Abu Dhabi Dumps Aabar’s CEO!

A second head has rolled at the very top of Abu Dhabi’s Aabar sovereign wealth fund, giving yet another strong signal that there are major concerns in the Gulf state over being drawn into Malaysia’s escalating financial and political scandals. ..

Global Financier Relocates…..

Sarawak Report has now reliably established that the global financier, self-styled philanthropist and international party lover, Malaysia’s Taek Jho Low, has relocated to Taiwan…..

Hey Big Spender!

Prime Minister Najib Razak splashed over US$1 million on his credit cards during the month of August in the year following the election, according to information received by Sarawak Report….

Cameron Ought To Cancel His Malaysia Visit

The British Prime Minister has made the issue of rooting out global corruption one of his key platforms as a world leader. He is absolutely right to do so, which is why he should not carry on to visit Malaysia on this occasion….


The video ‘confession’ maker Lester Melanyi could easily have been identified as a fraudster from the very start, by employing just the simplest of checks, as Sarawak Report’s own research into his online ‘testimony’ makes clear…

Round The World With Najib & Rosmah!

Roslan Sohari was the man revealed by Sarawak Report yesterday as having made cash deposits into the Affin Bank account of Rosmah Mansor earlier this year totalling RM2 million……

Open Letter To The Swiss Foreign Ministry In Bern

We spoke on this matter earlier. I am a journalist based in the UK and run a website called Sarawak Report. I am concerned to learn of the situation regarding the welfare of a Swiss National, who has been arrested in Thailand …..

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

In Malaysia too much deference to so-called VVIPs has allowed too much power to drift into the hands of a tiny number of people. It is not good for them and it is certainly not good for anyone else….

‘Volunteer’ Managed 11th Malaysia Plan Media Operation For PM

Last month it was officially announced that the UK national Paul Stadlen is not paid by the Malaysian Government. In a written Parliamentary reply dated May 19th the Minister from the Prime Minister’s office, Shahidan Kassim told the PAS MP Mohamed Hanipa Maidin “To date, the government did not pay any salary to Paul Stadlen.”….

Science Is About Facts

The UK press are having a field day over the ‘boobs’ made by a ‘bunch of dicks’, who stripped on Mount Kinabalu. No one applauds their disrespectful acts in the face of the warning of their guides and perhaps they somewhat deserve the lesson brought upon their heads by the very tragic earthquake that followed.

Najib Survival Tour Hits Sarawak To Press For Early Election

Faced with country-wide fury over the imposition of GST at the very moment his side-kick Jho Low has been caught stealing billions from 1MDB, Najib has responded with a series of ‘popularity events’ designed to shore up his authority. Today it is the turn of Kuching Sarawak….

Why No Warrant Out For Jho Low?

If Jho Low had grabbed one of Rosmah’s pink Birkin bags and stuffed it full of her diamonds, before making-off back to Hong Kong, we could be pretty sure Interpol would have been instantly alerted….

Action On Corruption AT LAST?!

Sarawak Report has received reliable information that among the 375 timber company bank accounts, announced to have been frozen yesterday, are accounts belonging to at least four of the ‘big six’ timber companies in the state….

Making Millions Overnight….. Is It Proper And Is It True?

Sarawak Report has learnt from key sources that the local banking establishment has been pained by evidence of massive cash transactions through the personal accounts of the ‘First Lady’ and Prime Minister, which on each occasion has inevitably triggered the usual anti-money laundering alerts…..

Who Is Paying For Sirul’s UMNO-Connected Legal Team?

After three and a half months of being holed up in the high security wing of a Sydney immigration detention centre very little has actually happened regarding the case of Sirul Azhar Umar, the bodyguard convicted of the murder of Altantuya Shaaribbuu…

KPMG – Auditors Or Fraudsters?

Sarawak Report has uncovered evidence, which indicates the supposedly independent auditors KPMG helped ‘cook the books’ at 1MDB, while auditing the fund’s initial accounts for the period ending March 2010….

Kenapa Syarikat Good Star Milik Jho Low Harus Membayar Pegawai Eksekutif Tertinggi Khadem al-Qubaisi Dari Syarikat Aabar Investments USD$20.75 Juta?

Terdapat dua perbezaan perwatakan pegawai awam Abu Dhabi ternama, Khadem al-Quubaisi, yang selaku pengerusi dana kedaulatan Aabar, menurut maklumat menyeluruh yang telah disalurkan kepada Sarawak Report. Sebagai contoh, semasa dia muncul di Kuala Lumpur pada 12hb Mac 2013 lalu, dengan memainkan peranan utama dalam projek pelaburan berbilion-bilion dollar yang menjadi bahan bualan bersama 1MDB, dia

Najib “Clears Jho Low”? Further Emails Raise Further Questions

The Prime Minister’s Office’s key blog of the moment, The Rakyat Post, sought to put all concerns to rest yesterday over 1MDB. It reported that the Prime Minister had “cleared” Jho Low and was able to “explain” to the public that “all decisions and dealings of 1MDB was done by the management and board of

Were 1MDB Auditors “Complicit”? Queries DAP

The release of documents by Sarawak Report relating to the joint venture between the development fund 1MDB (One Malaysia Development Berhad) and the firm PetroSaudi has created new insights into matters that have long been left woefully under-explained by the official accounts, say critics. Among those who have protested at the lack of transparency over

From 1MDB To The UBG Bank Buy Out – How The USD$700 Million Was Managed

COPYRIGHT CLAIM: Sarawak Report is currently disputing a copyright claim issued by a non-existent company in the US, which is demanding that pictures of Jho Low cavorting at Cristal champagne drenched parties in public places in the South of France and United States be removed from public view.  These pictures have been available and widely circulated on

Jho Low’s People – A Life In The Day

Crucial to Jho Low’s life as a wheeler dealer financier has been his team of trusted insiders. Together, this band of close associates have circled the globe, enjoying a life of luxury and excess unimaginable to the bulk of ordinary Malaysians. Yet, it is those ordinary folk who are effectively funding it all, thanks to

Managing The Media And Then Foreign Policy – How Jho Low Took Over!

After Jho Low and his partners from PetroSaudi had completed the 1MDB deal, the management of public perceptions about what had happened clearly became crucial. The joint venture buccaneers can soon be seen to have started to wield the most extraordinary influence over the presentation of 1MDB and then even the management of Malaysia/Saudi relations,

Harrow playboy linked to troubled Malaysian fund (Sunday Times)

ARTICLE IN THE SUNDAY TIMES IN THE summer of 2009, a Malaysian nicknamed “the Whale” appeared on the New York nightclub scene. He would travel with a large entourage in a fleet of Cadillacs and his party would spend tens of thousands of dollars a night in the company of socialites such as Paris Hilton.

Computers And Servers All WIPED At 1MDB

Concerned staff at 1MDB have confided that all computers and records at the troubled fund were recently called in and wiped. They say this includes not only personal computers belonging to staff, but also the mainframe servers as well!

Too Much Partying By Najib’s PR Guru Paul Stadlen?

The ex-APCO Malaysia boss, Paul Stadlen, who now manages Najib Razak’s massive press operation, appears to be losing his touch. Many are asking if his well-known party lifestyle, fuelled by what seems to be an outrageous income courtesy of the Malaysian taxpayer, could have something to do with it?

Riza & Jho Low Face Questions Over Bribery And Tax Evasion

Will Riza Aziz be making libel threats against the New York Times today? After all, the New York Times has repeated and corroborated every single point that has been reported in this blog about the PM’s stepson’s unaccountable wealth over the past year and confirms the ties between his Hollywood production company Red Granite and Jho Low…

Musa ‘Heading For The Rocks’

Forestry Chief Sam Mannan was reportedly hauled in last week by the Sabah Chief Minister, Musa Aman, to explain how the family of his long-term secretary had come into the possession of a major timber concession, as exposed by Sarawak Report..

Zero Logging – Why Not?

Just last week in an exclusive interview with this blog the former PM, Mahathir Mohamad confirmed that he also believes that enough is enough when it comes to logging….

Actions Bring Consequences

Malaysia’s political leaders have struggled to shift blame for the shocking floods, which have displaced a quarter of a million folk over the Christmas period….

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