BN Style ‘Wealth Weddings’ Ought Surely To Be Going Out Of Fashion?

Weddings, whether modest family affairs or grand ‘look at me” displays of wealth, all hold the same value in the eyes of God and the state, surely?…….

How Swiss Flip-Flopped Over 1MDB

The Lugano office of Swiss AG at first issued an ‘order not to prosecute’ over 1MDB in July 2015, AFTER the evidence of Najib’s bank accounts hit world headlines. The order cited there was no evidence of money missing from the fund….

Over To The Swiss On 1MDB

Xavier Justo deserves justice and the people of Malaysia deserve their stolen money back from 1MDB. The Swiss ought to stop providing safe haven for the PetroSaudi collaborators and start moving on this case….

Forgive And Forget?

Salleh Said Keruak certainy knows where plenty of UMNO bodies are buried and for that perhaps PKR should indeed welcome him into their fold!…….

Alliance Of The White Rajahs?

What has oiled the sudden new outbreak of warm relations between once estranged branches of the Rajah Brooke decendants and the family of the so-called ‘White Haired Rajah’, Governor Taib Mahmud?….

1MDB Probe Closes In On Sarawak

The story of Sarawak’s bonds and the role played by Goldman and Deutsche Bank in the murky finances of the state threaten to be every bit as scandalous as 1MDB and the facts are coming out….

Time For Answers Over Sarawak’s 1MDB

The disgraceful ‘disappearance’ of the life savings of Sarawak’s dispossessed land owners at the hands of Sarawak’s top bigwigs deserves a 360 degree investigation by the MACC…..

Nothing To Do With Us Guv – KTS Has Issued A Report Against ‘Illegal Logging’!

KTS’s new found concern about ‘illegal logging’ in peatland areas (which their ‘environmentally concerned’ company has been seeking to ‘protect’) has apparently resulted in a police report. Sarawak Report suggests a full MACC investigation is necessary into the logging and oil palm industry in Sarawak and beyond, as soon as possible before the main orchestrator of the corruption dies……

SEDC Taken For A Ride Or What?

Australian news organisations are expressing astonishment at the high price paid (out of taxpayers’ money) for a cattle ranch by Sarawak’s Economic Development Council. Do jaded Malaysians spot a familiar pattern?….

Secrets Of The Singing Fountain

Kuching’s latest poor taste project has raised just as many corruption questions as the rest of Taib’s tacky trophy buildings now strewn across the once famously pretty capital of Sarawak…….

Wealth Wins Political Favours For The Taibs In Canada…..

“I would consider them, among many, to be my friends…. it’s the MP’s responsibility to advocate on behalf of their citizens” – MP Andrew Leslie, who weighed in to stop BMF’s application via the OECD to open due scrutiny of Taib’s family wealth in Ottawa…….

C For Corruption

China’s tainted CCCC, which was up to its neck in Najib’s attempted fraudulent bail out of 1MDB through the artificially bloated East Coast Rail Project, has linked up with the Taib family instead…….

My Puppy Tripped Me Up Mi Lud!

Time for the Chief Justice to get to the bottom of and crack down on an outbreak of mysterious accidents and illnesses amongst lawyers and the judiciary, which are threatening to bring major trials concerning matters of the utmost national importance to a halt……

Return Of The Viking!

Questions for Torstein – are you working on this ‘conservation project to promote high value timber’ for free?; Since when did you become a reforestation expert? Was your contract open to tender?…..

One Simple Question For Hadi And PAS

What were the “agreed confidential terms of settlement” refered to in the UK High Court Order, in order to discontinue Hadi’s case, if not that payment of RM1.4 million to Sarawak Report?……

Time To Clear The Air On The PAS Payment To Sarawak Report

Sarawak Report does not believe in misleading people and considers itself released from confidentiality about its settlement with PAS, owing to the party’s own breech of the terms and its attempts to mislead Malaysians by saying our legal bills were not paid as part of the agreement…………

Thug Rule In Sarawak

Once again local people seeking to benefit from their own lands have found themselves ultimately combatted by brute force, mediated by ‘police’ hired by the plantation company in question……

Same Old Story In Sarawak

Sarawak Report can exclusively reveal that the original owner of the company now in the spotlight over the latest Sarawak land protests in Mulu was none other than Taib’s own son, who sold it to one of his Dad’s favourite cronies…….

Questions For PAS And Nik Abduh

PAS leaders’ new moral stance is that it is OK to lie if it suits the party politically to do so. So, what other lies have they been telling, why are they so ready to condemn others for such sins and why has noone yet resigned?…….

The Malaysian Oil Palm lobby and its spokespeople have a simple approach towards defending their industry, which is to deny there is a single concern about the business and to vociferously villify and attack anyone who suggests otherwise. Oil palm has generated stacks of cash, so there has been plenty to pay legions of PR

Corporate News Updates

Emirati sovereign wealth fund manager ‘KAQ’ was fired after SR revealed his nightclubbing antics. Now the same Abu Dhabi fund that sacked him has bought out the entire Vegas focused nightclub and casino venture that he founded….

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