Kuwait Whistleblower Claims “Undeniable Victory” From World Bank Arbitration Body
Sabah CM Forced To Deny RM1.2 billion Misfeasance Case Over SFI
For the first time ever, a chief minister of Sabah has been taken to court over a civil claim of Misfeasance – in common language, corruption and abuse of power. Even against the corruption records of predecessors such as the…
Marudi Villagers Protest Against Samling’s ‘SaraCarbon’ Carbon Credit Project
At a recent meeting with native communities due to be affected by Samling’s latest carbon credit gambit, backed by the state government, protestors asked company officials what benefits there would be for those villagers who are losing rights to their…
Flood Mystery Solved? Shocking Riverbed Destruction Up River From Lawas
Sarawak Report has obtained shocking images of the rampant destruction of highland river beds in the Lawas region, apparently sourcing rock to construct the public highway to Ba Kelalan from Limbang – the multi-billion ringgit Sarawak-Sabah Link Road. Has this…
White Gets Off Light & Mahony Goes AWOL?
1MDB’s ring of fraudsters are using their stolen millions to fund their continuing legal efforts to get off the hook. There are concerns several are coming out on top at the expense of Malaysians, despite the return of RM37 billion…
Respect The Power Of Nature As Floods Get Worse In East Malaysia
Whilst Sarawak’s establishment of business politicians celebrated CNY in the midst of disastrous floods one politician stepped out to show them up. Yet, they must ALL take responsibility for the destruction caused by climate change and unequal development and reverse…
Time To Walk The Talk Over Sarawak’s “Green Agenda” – Rescue & Restore The Semenggoh Nature Reserve
Protecting the environment and vulnerable communities does not sit well with greedy and corrupted decision making. Those in charge need to understand the longterm interests of the people of Sarawak and put it before their own transient obsession with making…
Alleged ‘Public Interest’ Contractors Are Syed Mokhtar Front Companies! SFI Claims Further Deceit By Sabah State Government
The Hajiji state government compulsorily acquired SFI’s concession areas on grounds of “public purpose”. Yet, they have instead handed the land to front companies for tycoon Syed Moktar who had sought to reduce his own purchase bid to around 10%…
Malaysia Plans ‘Economic Miracle’ Off The Back Of Migrant Exploitation?
Moving from the Season of Goodwill into a New Year it is time for the no longer so new government to carry out its commitments to reform in terms of humane labour conditions for foreign workers, which first demands an…
Bruno Manser Fund Win Significant First Stage Over Jamilah Taib Defamation Suit
Landmark decision in favour of BMF in Taib family defamation case. “This decision is of enormous significance and a huge blow for the plaintiffs who sued us solely to suppress the truth. We are confident that we will also win…